jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

blog activity 3


 The three important aspects that called my attention are :

  1. Many workes take a mental break and this gives better performance
  2. Some of workers have found information on social media that has improved their professional opinion of a colleague
  3. Many employers have rules for how employees use social media at work

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

blog activity 2

Having a flawless grammar is important for business English because it represents profesionalism, culture and education. It makes a person stand high upon the businessmen, a person can be identified by it’s gramar, so handing over a business proposal can be turn down if it has bad gramar.

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

blog activity 1

The first letter of titles and duties should be in uppercases, I did not expand my list of skills and I had some grammar mistakes. Explaining my duties and skills is the hardest. When I was writing skills I believe I have, my mind was blank. I tried to think about duties I have had but I thought none of them could qualify for my resume. Incorrect. Computer skills or having great interactions with customers fits perfectly.